Please see below for my thoughts on branding, marketing, strategy, and leadership. I will add new content every couple of weeks. Click Connect to learn more about my services or to set up an initial call to discuss your business or training needs.

Posted: 2/22/19

When reassessing your brand equity or positioning…think “From….To.”  Ensure you have a clear understanding of what your equity, character, and benefits are today with your target - that is the “From.” What do you want to move it “To?” Also, what does your target currently Think/Do in relation to your brand?  What do you want them to Think/Do?


Posted: 1/25/19

What Job are your being hired for? Every time a consumer makes a choice to purchase a product - they have “a job” in mind. Too many brands try to compete for too many jobs. Decide what are the 1-2 jobs that your product can deliver on better than the competition. Focus your communication, product upgrades, and investments on those 1-2 jobs.

Posted: 1/19/19

Products do things…Brands mean things

Posted: 1/12/19

Often, the most important part of a strategy is what you decide NOT to do.  When developing your strategic choices (usually 2-3 at the most), I recommend spending ample time discussing what you will NOT do and why…based on your product/service advantages and what your customers value most.

Posted: 1/5/19

When assessing your brand equity/positioning - consider the below approach. Start with your product features - what your product “does,” then ladder to the Functional Benefits that your product offers, and ultimately to Emotional Benefits. Focus on Benefits that are key drivers of purchase intent. Ideally, your equity statement will capture the essence of your primary emotional and functional benefits.

Pyramid Features 2.jpg